The Elementary School is more than just academics. Being a PBS student is all about life in all its fullness. Students come here to learn, but learning doesn’t end in the classroom. Our students learn from every experience, every friendship, every game, and every memory made. We encourage our students to become engaged academically and socially, inside and outside the classroom.
Field Trips Students in the Elementary division are provided many opportunities to learn off campus. Field trips are designed to be an extension of the classroom. Local favorites include the Louisiana Arts and Science Museum, the Pumpkin Patch, the Strawberry Patch, Honey Island Swamp and the Audubon Zoo. While off-campus, students are engaged in interactive activities to achieve maximum learning.
Annual Events Elementary students also participate in several special annual events including: STEAM Night, Literacy Night, Accelerated Reader (AR) Celebrations, Clubs (for 3rd & 4th grade) and Genius Hour (for 1st & 2nd grade).
STEAM Night STEAM Night is an Elementary family night in the fall where students participate in themed science, technology, engineering, art, and math activities that they can take home. There are also special treats and fun picture opportunities. This night is in conjunction with Homecoming week each year.
AR Celebrations All students in the elementary have personalized Accelerated Reader (AR) goals that they are working towards each semester. At the halfway mark there are celebrations for those students who reached their 50% goal. At the end of each semester, there is a big celebration for all students who meet their goal.
Literacy Night The elementary partners with the school wide Starry Night event in the spring to host hands-on literacy and art activities in the middle school gym. Students make many items that they can take home to remember the event. Literacy Night is an extension of Book Week in the elementary, where we celebrate how wonderful books and reading are.
Athletics The PBS Bass Fishing Team is open to all students beginning in 3rd grade. PBS Cheer and Mini-Steppers are also available to students in Elementary.
Eagle of the Month The Eagle of the Month awards are designed to reward Elementary students for: – Outstanding Attitude – Tremendous Improvement – Strong Work Ethic – High Academic Achievement and Effort – Exhibits a Servant’s Heart